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Picking Grapes

G day mates,
Guess what! We have been grape picking for a few days. This is the picking season and because we're close to some wineries we thought let's try to get the job, thinking it would be easy.

I sent an e-mail to two wineries and one of them called me back on a Monday and Tuesday morning 07.15 we were standing in the middle of the grapes ready to pick. We tried to catch up with the rest of the pickers, who worked the whole day but we couldn't cope so we decided to shorten our working hours, after discussing it with the over-man it was OK.  We still started every morning at 07.30 with the result that we had to get up at 06.15 in the morning, Crikey, that's a long time ago we had to set the alarm clock and not used to it anymore!

After a cup of coffee, half sandwich, getting into the car and on our way, it's 32 k's to drive, I come to my senses half way and realise that this is such a great time of the day.

The sun is coming up and you get the most beautiful light you can get for pictures.

 But we also realise that it's dangerous on the road because of wildlife being active (watch the movie) and most dangerous was the last approx. 7 k's before the turn off to the winery, we had the sun, just coming up, right in the eyes and even the sun visors were of no use so we had to be inventive and stuck some brochures under the mirror.

The Winery we go to is.....

The views at the winery were magnificent to..

Grape picking maybe sound very romantic but it's hard work and even scary sometimes. First you have to be careful with the clippers because it's easy to cut into your fingers.

Sometimes the grass and weed is very high so there could be hiding everything f.i. snakes, luckily we didn't see one. And what about spiders? The grapes are covered with webs

and where webs are, are spiders and we have seen several residents of the webs. One of the pickers caught a redback spider with his clipper and I hope you don't mind that I didn't take a picture of the huntsman walking over my hand, brrrrr. And sometimes you find an abandoned birds nest hiding in the ranks, I rather see a resident of that.

At approx. 10 o clock it's 15 minutes smoko time and we all go to our car to have something to drink and eat.

And during smoko we still enjoy the beautiful views...

After smoko we rattle our painful joints and start picking again. 

The pickers pick as a couple, on each side of the grape vine is one picking so you also have to be careful not cutting into the fingers of your partner.... 

In between the over-man collects our full buckets, throw the grapes into these big crates and brings it to the winery....

And this is the result....

Its a shame you can't smell what I did.....

We stopped at 1 o clock and that's about lunchtime for the others. It's enough for us. We go home and relax for the rest of the day.

Last but not least, ITS MOVIE TIME (don't skip the movie!!!)

See ya next time, Cheers!

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