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Animal talk

G'day Mates,

In the mean time we are spending some time around the Melbourne and Gippsland area but because that's mainly with family and friends I don't have much adventures to share with you. Not that the people we are with are boring but its just not interesting for you guys and for us a bit private.

But because I don't want to disappoint you and I don't want to loose my faithful followers, I will show you the last few days of our house sitting in Barjarg.

This time it's only a movie but quite lovely as I may say myself, just watch and enjoy;

Movie time;

Our next house sitting is in Bendigo, see you then!!

Happy Easter!



  1. Once again very, very good blogging Tammy. Very proud to be your cousin Val.

  2. Animals have their own special way to thank you looking after them....xxxxx

  3. Heel lollig die Australische ekster ??

    Groeten en tot spoedig ziens in Zutphen
