
Dear Blog readers,
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Goodbye and Hello......

G'day Mates!

As the title of this story presumes; these are the last days with Sheila and the first with Danny, the scenery will be Rockingham Beach and Fremantle!

Feeling the last hours together are approaching silently...... 

it's time to grab our stuff and go home.....

One last look at the beautiful Rockingham Beach so the memories will stay forever....

a lonely figure passes......

love is all around....

now it's really time......

and still we can't say goodbye to the beach....

What a beautiful sunset......

The last day we decided to go to our beloved Fremantle, having a last drink together at Little Creatures. Tonight Sheila is flying home.....

and then it's time.....

But we had a marvellous time together on which we can look back with much joy;

Where we ended with Sheila, we start with Danny. He came two weeks later after Sheila had left so we had 2 weeks to reorganise things.......

Fremantle, here we come again.....

Little Creatures is always in our schedule....

as is a lunch at Kailis.......

After lunch we walked a bit along the coast and stranded at a wedding on the beach. The funny part was that all the guests were asked to take off their shoes ......

What a beauty......

A great view over the Fremantle beach from the Round House....

a little history about the Round House;

The Roundhouse is the oldest public building in the State of Western Australia. Opened in January 1831, just 18 months after settlement, it was built to hold any person convicted of a crime in the settlement and was used until 1886.

Now the area is often used for wedding pictures.....

In the back you can see the round house......

OK guys, this is it for the moment.
Of course I'm far from finished with the adventures we had with Danny and there are a few great ones again so keep on looking....

For now, I say


  1. Hitammy, leuk om over jullie te lezen. Hartelijke groet van humphrey en edith landveld huyzendveld

    1. Hi Edith, Wat LEUK dat je reageert. Ik heb je geprobeerd te mailen al heel lang geleden maar je email adres is waarschijnlijk verandert. Daarna heb ik nog geprobeerd je via Facebook te vinden helaas. Wil graag weten hoe het met jullie gaat ! Zou het leuk vinden een keer contact te hebben via mail.
