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Cape Naturaliste, Whale Watching

G'day Mates,

We sometimes have the opportunity to stay a few days in Dunsborough during our house sitting period and because it's a beautiful area, we make some trips in the surrounding.

We happened to be there during the Whale Watching season and so we decided to do the alternative of going on a tour, which is too expensive for us, we walked to the special made Whale Watching  platform at Cape Naturaliste.

But before we arrived at this platform we had a hell of a time!! We started following the blue signs which leads to the platform....

Beautiful path just a bit stony!!

 In stead of going straight to the platform we decided to do a detour which lead us down to the beach and from there a path had to go up again back to the path leading to the platform. We never found that path back and got terribly lost, we stranded in the dunes and ended up running around in circles.

Although it was very beautiful we didn't think it funny at all, every time we thought we found a walkway we ended up in scrubs and had to go back. 

It took us about an hour to find the path back and finally pfffff......there was the platform.

Enjoying the view and the Whales we (you know us) also enjoyed our lunch...

I'm sorry I can't show you more of the Whales, but as you can see they were definitely there!
This was a mother with a little one and we had a great time, they played in front of us and we saw the very big tail several times jumping up in the air but it went so quick, every time I was just too late making a picture.

Of course I'm convinced that taking a real tour you would see much more and we spoke to a girl who had done the tour twice and she was thrilled about it. Actually she was on the same detour and we wonder if she ever found the path back.

Anyhow we never heard someone was missing.

We were so wise not to try a detour on our way back to the car and so we arrived save at home again.

Cape Naturaliste is not only famous for Whale Watching but also of it's nice little Lighthouse on which you can take a tour and is worthwhile according to reviews....

Even the fantastic walks around the rugged coast of the Cape are a reason to visit Cape Naturaliste

If you want to know more about this area, here is a usable website;



1 comment:

  1. Indrukwekkend hè die walvissen. In Mexico heb ik eens een tour gemaakt met een biologe in een bootje. Wat geweldig als zo'n enorm beest vlakbij de boot omhoog kwam en het geluid wat je dan hoorde. Formidabel, zoiets vergeet je niet meer. Misschien sparen voor zo'n tour? Is wel de moeite waard. Als je nog eens gaat kun je dan ook filmen en daar foto's uit halen?
    groetekus uit het haagje
