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Fletcher Creek; Day 2

I have to apologise to my sister, the expression in my previous blog not only hit me hard but her to and I knew that so I tried to warn her but I was too late. Sorry zusje!

The second day we have met nice people, Val and Rob, with whom we had a drink and a talk. They had a bush TV;

by putting an other log in it you could change the channel haha.

After dinner we sat outside again but it was cloudy. We saw a man going into the shower (only cold water)  and after a few minutes we heard a scream and he flew outside, bare footed and no shirt on, jumped in his car and drove off like a madman. Would HE have been the course or the cold water?? Well I think I know;

I thought snakes went in winter sleep so I didn't bother and just went to the toilet, but by chance we did meet Val and Rob again after a few weeks and she told me next story;

When we had left "Fletchers creek", they stayed another few days and she was on the toilet once, where that snake was having his "winter sleep". Suddenly it fell down next to her and she saw that he had a big lump halfway his body and a leg of a frog was sticking out of his mouth!!

Oh my God, I think I would have had a heart attack!

 Anyway; without telephone and computer, we had 2 marvellous relaxed days.

See you soon.


  1. Ah, never mind zusje, ik was nog thuis en kon ze vrij laten stromen. Wat een prachtig blogje, ook deze laatste weer! Gruwelijk die slang, pff hoef niet te zeggen hoe ik zou reageren. Geniet lieverdjes en laat ons zoveel mogelijk meegenieten xxxxx van de meisjes van de IJsselkade

  2. Sony bush TV, lol
    Euh dad?, I like to see the same movie last night on tv....
