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Having fun in Port Augusta

G'day mates!! Did you had a nice Christmas?? And did you notice my blog's new look??  

OK, lets go on;

After we came back from Victoria, Fred as Aussie in a 4WD haha, we stayed a few days with our friends Harry and Elaine. We've had a great time, nice drinks, dinners and laughs together.

In the mean time I had put an ad on the "Grey Nomad" site as we were looking for a place to stay for about 6 weeks during the school holidays, to stay out of the hustle and bustle, expensive caravan parks (as they raise their prices during holiday seasons), busy roads and kids. We were looking for a free spot on a caravan park and do some cleaning and/or maintenance instead.

We got a few reactions but that were all serious jobs and not for a few weeks but more for months or even definite. Suddenly I got an e-mail from a farmer on Kangaroo Island, if we would like to do some farm work for a free stay on the farm and maybe a hand sometimes in picking lettuce when he would be short of pickers.

We had to think about it because the ferry to that Island is very expensive but after consider about spending some time on a farm, which is something different, we decided to go and so we now are stuck on an island haha! Of course I'll come back later with stories from and of the island.

We didn't do much in Port Augusta except working on the car. A lot of things had to be done and we also had to let it have a service because in Victoria they had only made it roadworthy but fortunately Harry discovered that there was hardly any oil in the engine and he saw more things that had to be done. Everyone who knows Fred now think, “ how can that happen to Fred, no oil enough in the car”,  well the car has two gauges and he checked the one closest by but that was of the gearbox, the other one you have to stand on a stool to reach it so that's not really logical.

One of the most important things that had to be done was the electrical break for the caravan had to be installed again. Fred had taken that out of the Ford but before we could drive with the caravan it had to be reinstalled in our "new" car so Fred and Harry ended up laying under the car surrounded with wires and tools. 

Fred's English is reasonable but of course with all this technical stuff they communicated with hands and feet which was funny and because Harry told me Fred's English was better when I was not around I was being dismissed from helping haha! But that didn't matter, I had things to do myself f.i. preparing the trip to the island, booking the ferry, looking for a caravan park in Adelaide, cleaning the caravan etc. 

In the meantime we also enjoyed the view of this gorgeous spot;

Dear Harry and Elaine, thank you very much for your hospitality, we really had a good time and we hope to see you again somewhere soon!

On our way to Adelaide we passed this beautiful pink lake;

 This was the first time we drove with this car towing the caravan and after Adelaide, where we spent 1 night at a very good caravan park, towards Cape Jervis where the ferry goes, there were a lot of hills and the temperature of the engine went up and up till in the red zone. We had to put the heater on and all the windows open, otherwise we would have melted, to lower it a bit and we could hardly get on top of the hills but we had to catch the ferry so we had to keep on going. Pff it was scary but we made it JUST on time.

So guys, that's it for now, next time I will start with our Kangaroo Island adventure. When I write this we are already a few weeks there and I can tell ya, it's funny!



  1. Die gevulde schaal op tafel ziet er goed uit.

  2. Zo dat was weer heel wat informatie. Hoe rijdt de 4D? Trekt de car de caravan gemakkelijker? Dat bord met eten ziet er heerlijk uit zeg.Wat voor beest is dat in Harry's hand? Ben reuze benieuwd naar de avonturen op Kangeroo Island. We hoorden dat het daar mooi is.
    Love van de Haagse dames
