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Sadness in "Het land van Maas en Waal"

G'day Mates,

My sister Rosita and I have been to Druten on the River Waal for a few days last week. Not that Druten is so special but we just wanted to have some quality time together and that we had.

Unfortunately the first night in our little cottage we heard that again a dear member of our family has past away suddenly, she is the third in a row in just 3 months time.

Because I'm not really in the mood for a funny new story now, I today only provide you with some pictures of the region around Druten, the so called "Land van Maas en Waal" and of the romantic little cottage we were in.

Lets start with the cottage;

Waiting for the rain to stop!!

The bed was covered with a huge mosquito net

The one funny thing was that we wanted to do some walking and because my sisters dog Pepper can't walk that much anymore, she is nine, my sister bought her a little buggy so she could join us.

Pepper admiring herself....

Not sure about the quality though.....

But then......, maybe it was too heavy loaded....

A little tea dome on the dike...

This is supposed to grow in Autumn, not in SUMMER!

You can see we also indulged ourselves....

On Wednesday the 22nd of June we finely had nice weather so we could have a decent walk.

We walked 4,5 k's over the dike to "Boven Leeuwen" a small town also on the Waal......

There was a nice cafe where we had a beer......

On the way back we passed these poor Kangaroos, must be in shock from the weather as they look so pale......

and a former Abbey which is situated in Druten itself.....

We walked about 10 k's all together that day and were glad we could take our shoes off..... 

Despite the circumstances and the amount of rain we had, we had a good time just being together.

We wish our family concerned in Australia all the strength they need for the coming difficult and sad time. Fred and I are very sorry we can't be there but our thoughts are with you.

Till next time.


  1. Thanks little sis for the story and, as always, beautiful pics! Yes, we had a few sad but also lovely days together. Sorry for the moments I might have been a bit grumpy but that is one of our differences.....your glass is half full, mine is half empty. I am pretty sure who left that poor quality with me.....Love you!

  2. I love reading your blogs Tammy and seeing the beauty of Holland through your photos.
    I hope the sun comes out soon so you can enjoy Holland even more.

  3. Hele leuke reportage van twee genietende zussen .Weer mooie foto s van een omgeving waar je niet zo snel naar toe gaat Vanavond weer voetbal kijken ? Tot ziens en groeten Wicher

  4. Groeten uit Ramsgate, hier in Sydney, niet gek ver van Botany Bay. Ik heb eventjes "meegeleefd" en werd zodoende weer herinnert aan mijn 5de? keer terug in Nederland. In 1956 geƫmigreerd uit Gouda, toen ik 12 was. Deze keer werd ik nogal verwend door een gezin van een echtpaar in Barsingerhorn, met twee zonen (van rond de 20 jaren), die me "OVERAL" naar toe brachten. Wat HEB ik deze keer VEEL gezien! Ik reageer omdat ook voor mij dit een omgeving was / is waar ik anders niemand ken(de) en dus nooit zo veel van gezien zou hebben. Ik verbleef in het huis van kennissen, in Heilo, terwijl zij, hier in Sydney , een poosje gebruik maakten van mijn huis.
