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Horses and Carriages

G'day mates,

Today I'm going to show you an event which is held every year, the second Sunday in August, in Vorden; a horses & carriages competition. It is called "De Kastelenrit" (The Castles tour).

In the surroundings of Vorden there are 8 Castles and every year the participants follow a different route which leads past different castles.

Unfortunately, I really don't know what happened but my pictures are blurry, the carriages are OK but the horses are not clear. Most probably is it because they move but I didn't had this problem before.

Anyhow, I hope you still enjoy looking at it because quality of the movies are pretty good!

There are so many different carriages; small, big, different time ages, from 1 till 6 horses, some years ago there was even a carriage with an 8 harness.

Movie time;

The carriages are judged on genuine, replica and even the clothing of the participants has to be adapted to the style of the carriage....

I'm SO happy; during uploading my movies on YouTube I was fiddling around on Google to try to find something about this competition and I did found pictures from a professional photographer from a local newspaper and guess what; HIS HORSES WERE BLURRY TOO!! 

So I'm glad it wasn't me nor my camera failing.....

The horses should be clean and well-conditioned. If there are several horses, they should be of similar size and type (build), although the wheelers may be larger than the leaders. Matching color is secondary to matching type and size.

There were approx. 60 carriages and the distant of the tour was 30 kilometres...

Movie time;

Familiar people in the crowd !!

And then it started to rain and I also read (on the article I found on Google) that the award ceremony literally had fallen into the water. Pity!

Movie time;

That was it again people!

See ya next time, Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. This time you were watching in the centre of Vorden. It is vere nice to see this again. Although it is just in the blog we enjoyed it.. Did you take a nice icecream?
    The Dutch ladies xx
