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Crikey, what a disaster!!

G'day Mates,

The day before yesterday (21 rst of July) we went to some friends approx. 13 k's from our caravan park and because that's not far away, we went by bike. We started with getting lost, we haven't been to that house they live in now before so we relied on the navigator Fred has in his phone. And actually its a good one but not if you hold it upside down haha, so at one stage we went right when we had to go left.

Anyhow we arrived about a quarter later then promised but that wasn't a problem. After a while, just before dinner which was planned in the garden, we saw in the distance very black sky and we joked about it that it will leave us alone and it amazingly did.

After a very nice meal we went back home, actually a little too late as it was already started to get dark and it was still an hour ride.

When we came closer to the caravan park, we saw on the streets that it had been raining. I was glad I had asked the neighbours if they could keep an eye on our caravan and close the windows when it would rain because it was very hot when we left and I had let them open.

A little bit further, we had about 1 km left to ride, I saw a big fallen tree and a lot of branches on the street, it was pretty dark in the mean time and I feared for the worst what we would find when we get home.

When we got to our camp field we saw only water, Crikey what a disaster, look at what we faced;

It felt like a waterbed, the whole floor was waiving and a lot of it was already gone as it happened about 5 o'clock and we got home at about eleven.

We had a whole package of toilet paper sitting on the floor, you can't imagine how heavy that becomes when it absorbs so much water;

Next day we heard from our fellow campers that it had been terrible and scary, thunder, storm and hail had gone over the caravan park and a few caravans had damaged annexes, so actually we were lucky as the water will evaporate but our annex is still OK.

Here are some pictures I got from some fellow campers;

Here is the start of it;

The posts of that awning just broke in half like matchsticks

Its getting a bit dryer and some people (Tieneke and Wytze) dare to go outside....

And when the violence stopped, the fun began.....

The kids had fun of course, their Grand Parents lost their awning but kids don't care....

I even got two movies of our neighbour which I turned into one;

Movie time;

So now its cleaning up time;

Aaah, we missed it all, ain't we lucky!! Well, I would have liked the fun part, being all together, helping each other and share the stories and feelings you had during the bad part.

No worries Mate! We will survive, we always do!

Till next time, Cheers!



  1. Oh gut, oh gut wat regende ut! Jammer inderdaad dat jullie de lol naderhand niet mee hebben beleefd maar de foto's zeggen genoeg. Fantastische sfeerplaatjes!! Die man met die hengel.....hahaha. xxxxx

  2. "And then, the grey clouds gather and.............like the drumming of an army!" 'Het regent o! Wat regent het. Ik hoor het in mijn warme bed. Ik hoor de regen zingen!!!" Wat een avontuur he? Leuk!! "Die ene herinnering, die moet je bewaren." Werd over gezongen! Groeten uit Sydney, Joop Mul. (Ozcloggie)

  3. Gelukkig hebben jullie lekker genoten en een deel gemist van de ellende. Afgelopen donderdag op vrijdagnacht was er ook zo'n festijn in Chaam. De hele nacht onweer en regen er is zo'n 35 mm gevallen tjee wat een water! Electrische fiets stond buiten en deed het de volgende dag niet meer dus naar de fietsenmaker. Drooggeblazen en gelukkig we konden weer fietsen. 's Nachts naar het toilet toen het even droog was maar ..... eenmaal klaar stortregende het weer dus in het toiletgebouw blijven tot het een beetje droog werd en dan snel door het water naar de camper. Man man man of vrouw vrouw vrouw wat een zomertje dit jaar! Is alles weer droog nu? Het is wel prettig een gratis zwembad voor de deur te hebben toch?
    Liefs van de Haagse dames
