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Surprising Benalla,

G'day Mates,

I really don't know why I had the idea that Benalla would be a dusty, old fashion little town but the opposite is the truth. We were impressed of all the beautiful wide shady lanes and all the water they have. Most probably the idea came because its situated in one of the most dry area's in Victoria and we always heard from far "family" living near Benalla that they have draught problems.

A very nice art sculpture situated on the bank of Lake Benalla;

Benalla not only has a lake but also a river , called "Broken River", the bridge you see is called "Monash Bridge".....

Look at the Wall to Wall street art; just a few impressions;

(Sorry for the ugly green wall in front)

But also the shopping area is very nice. We are house sitting only 40 k's from Benalla and because its bigger than Mansfield, which is only 20 k's from us, we went a few times to Benalla for shopping.

And of course during these shopping visits we always took our lunch and found us a nice spot for a bite and a drink.....

A few nice statues/buildings.....

The only disadvantage at this house sitting is that the reception of the Internet is very bad. I'm sorry mates but I'm struggling all morning to get a decent story here but it takes ages, that's why this story is maybe a bit short. Still I hope you liked Benalla and hope I'd given it a good impression.

I'll make it up another time!
Till then!



1 comment:

  1. Beste Tammy en Fred,
    Een leuke historische stad waar geen mensen meer wonen zo te zien op de foto s
    Het schijnt nu heel warm te zijn bij jullie Als je in een huis met airco oppast is het natuurlijk goed te doen.Hier is het ook best goed voor de tijd van het jaar.Als het droog is vind ik het prima,vooral voor de paarden.De stallen zijn toe aan onderhoud vooral de bitumen dakplaten moeten vervangen worden.Als het iets warmer wordt ga ik er aan beginnen.IOk ben ook nog niet klaar met de boot -lekkage van de koelvloeistof.
    Ik kijk uit naar jullie komst Groeten en tot de volgende keer!
